Girls' Talk - AlpakaAlex - Baldur's Gate (Video Games) [Archive of Our Own] (2024)

“Ow.” Karlach looked almost as if she was regretting this, when her axe slit open the werewolf’s neck. “I kinda feel bad for them, you know?”

Once more Shadowheart called upon the might of Selûne – though she had to wonder whether that was really the best spell against a pack of werewolves. “I would not feel too bad, you know? Because they most certainly won’t feel bad, if they eat us!”

“Less talking, maybe?” Wyll growled, using yet another spell.

It turned out that sleeping on the road could be an adventure all on its own. Especially during bright full moon nights. They had just looked for a cave to sleep in, and somehow had stumbled over pack of werewolves, intermingling with some normal direwolves. And even though they had hiked a good fifteen miles today already, it seemed like they had to fight for their night rest.

Already there was blood dripping from Karlach’s hair, while Shadowheart’s own robes were also dirtied and bloody. Right what they needed this late in the night.

But they still fought, and they fought, and then…

For a moment, Shadowheart’s heart skipped a beat, as the last remaining werewolf attacked her partner from behind. But somehow Karlach noticed it, turning around in the very last moment. She gripped the werewolf by the throat, chocking it in a way that should not be possible. While Karlach was a big woman, well…

Shadowheart had to swallow hard – only to jerk a moment later, when one of Wyll’s Eldritch Blasts saved her from getting mauled by a direwolf.

The man looked at her, rolled his eyes, but left her moment of distraction not commented.

“Oh wow,” Karlach muttered, as the last of the wolves had been slayed. “This is a f*cking mess.”

“You don’t say.” Wyll stretched, before he got out a cloth to clean his blade. He was more orderly about those things than either of the women.

Shadowheart could not help but look at Karlach. Her leather clothes were rather bloody right now, dripping from different parts. In the dark of the night, the blood did not properly contrast with Karlach’s red skin. It just gave it a wet shine. And then some part of Shadowheart’s brain might have misfired, because she could just not hold back the words: “I could think of ways of making it even messier.”

At those words, Karlach’s tail twitched a bit, as she turned to Shadowheart. “Oh yes? What kind of ways?”

Shadowheart chuckled. “Nasty ways.”

Karlach grinned and clicked her tongue. Slowly she came over to Shadowheart, her hip swinging a bit. “Nasty ways, you say? Tell me more about that.”

But Shadowheart did not get around to telling her more about that – because Wyll groaned. “Do we really need to do that now?”

“Oh, c’mon Wyll. It seems that she is in the mood right now,” Karlach said, pulling Shadowheart close. “Aren’t you, soldier?”

Shadowheart giggled. “I am in the mood for some things…”

“What kind of thinks, dear?”

“Like your fingers inside of me,” Shadowheart whispered. “Or maybe your tail.”

Karlach smirked just a little at this. “But good girls need to work to earn something like that, don’t they?”

“But not now!” Wyll protested. “Can we now please first look for a place to sleep? And a place to wash? Because I am not planning on resting in werewolf guts! And neither should you.”

“Well, maybe the werewolf guts will make it spicy,” Karlach said.

Wyll took a deep breath. “You know what? I will not even think about those pictures you planted in my mind right now.”

Karlach laughed. “See how good I am? I can plant pictures, even without a tadpole connection!”

Still. After getting some teeth, blood and fur that they might still sell from the wolves, they sat the bodies on fire, before hiking onwards – glad to find another cave not too far from a smaller stream just half a mile away.

By now the blood on their skin had started to dry, making it rather uncomfortable. And they had not even had supper yet. But that was the life on the road. While a part of Shadowheart looked forward to one day settling down, she was surprisingly enjoying this extended adventure so far.

“I need to wash,” she still muttered, as she left her backpack at their camping side in the mouth of the cave.

“Not only you.” Wyll left his things as well.

“I think we all need a wash,” Karlach said. “On second thought werewolf guts do not seem that sexy after all.” She laughed out loud, when that comment got a groan out of Wyll once more.

The stream was feeding into the Chionthar a few miles away, though it was not a real river. It was maybe three yards across and at the deepest point not quite deep enough for the water to reach Shadowheart’s hip.

But given they war far in the south of Faerûn and the autumn down here was hot and dry, Shadowheart could not help but sigh with relief as the water was flowing around her naked ankles. She had not cared much about getting naked in front of others – it had never been a big issue among Sharrans. Nor had Karlach ever cared that much.

Only Wyll was still a bit weird about it. Even today. Even though they had both seen him naked before – especially Karlach. As such he was bathing a bit further down the stream, as they had their own little space now.

Shadowheart shivered, when a pot of water was emptied out over her head.

“Hey!” She turned around to Karlach to protest, but only found the tiefling laughing.

“Oh dear,” she said, caressing Shadowheart’s cheek first, before using a bit of spit and her knuckles to rub away some dried blood. “Whenever you are dirty, I almost forget how awfully pale you are. And you already spend all day out in the sun now.”

Shadowheart now rolled her eyes. “Whatever shall we do about that?”

She loved this woman. This big woman, who was standing in front of her now – towering over her more or less. And with that she truly meant it by now. Love. This was love.

“I do know how to get a bit of color into your cheeks,” Karlach said, her voice almost purring.

“And how do you plan on doing that?” Shadowheart replied, catching her drift rather quickly- Well, it was not that hard, given they were already naked.

“Make you be a good girl,” Karlach replied. “A good girl, who earns herself a little reward.”

“What kind of reward?”

Karlach leaned down to whisper into her ears. “The kind of reward, where I have my fingers in her c*nt until she begs me to stop.”

At times Shadowheart felt like a young girl with Karlach like this. She was giggling now, feeling her cheeks blush a bit indeed. “What should I do.”

“Well, first of all, you let Mama K wash all the werewolf guts out of your hair,” Karlach said. “And then you are a good girl, who knows how to return that favor.” She lowered her voice. “After which, you will show me, what you can do with your tongue.”

Shadowheart smiled. “Alright.”

They kissed. An almost sweet kiss, given how they were talking, but it was a kiss never the less. Then Karlach made misuse of that pot they had for cooking once more, pouring more water over Shadowheart. She used an old cloth to start to wash Shadowheart. First her face, then she used more water for her hair. Then the cloth was suddenly caressing Shadowheart’s breasts, rubbing them, grabbing them, teasing them. Bit by bit. Bit by bit, until Shadowheart could not help a little moan.

“I do not think my tit* were that dirty,” she whispered, making Karlach grin.

“Oh, they are the dirtiest,” the tiefling whispered, bowing down now to suck on one of her nipples, while the cloth moved further down.

When another moan came over Shadowheart’s lips, she could feel Karlach grin.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“Getting you properly eager.” Two of Karlach’s fingers were gliding along Shadowheart’s folds. Just teasing, not really focusing on either the cl*t or the c*nt. But enough to make Shadowheart’s breath accelerate.

And yet. In the end Karlach stopped. “Now, soldier. Do an old pal a solid and return the favor.”

Shadowheart was at least fairly certain that she was no longer quite that pale. Her face was burning – and Karlach most certain had made her eager. She took that pot as well, while Karlach willingly bowed down her head to allow Shadowheart to wash her hair. While they had none of those nice soaps they had used while still in Baldur’s Gate, they did manage to get most of the blood and gunk out of it. And frankly… Shadowheart was somewhat thankful, when she got to focus on the more interesting parts of her partner’s body.

While she did run her fingers along Karlach’s unbroken horn, she soon let those same fingers glide over the tiefling’s cheek and then her neck, before she finally reached the breasts.

Even now there was a machine working inside of Karlach’s chest – just one that would no longer burn her up. A part of Shadowheart wished, she could fix it fully, return Karlach’s heart to her. But right now her skills would not suffice. Right now, the risk of losing her was simply to big.

As she stepped closer to the big woman, Shadowheart could not help but tiptoe – risky, on the rocky stream ground – to kiss her, as she ran her hands along Karlach’s scarred arms, soaking in the warmth of Karlach’s body as she did.

“You wanted to wash me, didn’t you?” Karlach teased, making Shadowheart blush again.


And while she was so tempted to further move up against the other woman, she focused. Given that Karlach’s leather was not nearly covering her up as much, as the Selûnite robes were covering Shadowheart, quite a bit of blood and guts were still covering Karlach’s skin. But it was still nothing that they could not deal with.

And yet, at the very end, Shadowheart was kneeling in the water, that was now not quite up to her chest. She was kneeling in front of Karlach, who was weaving those red fingers into Shadowheart’s open white hair.

“Be good,” Karlach purred, as she spread her legs just a bit.

And Shadowheart knew how to be good. She did not use her hands, focusing on what her lips and tongue could do instead. The angle was maybe not the easiest to work, but she was trained well enough to find Karlach’s cl*t, taking it between her lips. She was sucking it now, as she circled the tip with her tongue as well.

“That’s it.” Karlach ran her claws gently over Shadowheart’s scalp. “That’s a good girl.”

Yes. Shadowheart knew it. She knew how to be a good girl. She knew it. And now that she had time to explore all of this, she found that she liked this. To be talked down to a little. To be commanded around. To be instructed – even if it was by Karlach, who was so very inexperienced in this regard.

She focused further in the cl*t, that was swollen hard. She loved teasing it with her tongue, loved exploring the little ridges around it. And she loved the way that Karlach held onto her head, as if there was no way to escape.

She loved listening to those moans as well. For someone that big, and somewhat scarry looking, Karlach had the sweetest moans.

Yes. Even after a rather horrific night so far, this was actually really nice. Especially once those moans got more frequent, and Shadowheart knew she could bring this woman over the edge.

In the end, the noise Karlach made was somewhere between a groan and a growl. She let go of Shadowheart’s head, looking at her. “That’s my girl.” She bowed down once more to kiss her, licking some of her own juices from Shadowheart’s lips. “You did so good.”

Shadowheart found herself smiling, even though she should be laughing instead.

“I think you did indeed earn yourself a good reward,” Karlach said. “Come.” She helped Shadowheart up, before she simply picked her up as if it was the easiest thing to do. Like a princess Shadowheart was caried over to the shore, where Karlach put her down on a larger rock. “Are you ready for your reward?”

Shadowheart gasped, but nodded. “Very ready.”

“I thought so.” When Shadowheart spread her legs, it was three of Karlach’s fingers that found their way into Shadowheart at once, making her groan.

“Oh, darn…” Those words escaped Shadowheart simply, as she was lying there, twitching just a bit.

After heaving been made to lick Karlach, she was already so darn ready for this. And now to feel Karlach’s rather sturdy fingers inside of her? It was good. It was good. And Karlach knew how incredibly good it was, didn’t she?

Yes, Karlach was inexperienced when it came to sex. But she was more than willing to experiment. As such she had quickly found how to use her fingers inside of Shadowheart, while using her thumb to caress her cl*t just a bit. Even though she did not manage to focus on both at once. Either she was thrusting her fingers into Shadowheart, or she was circling the cl*t a bit more. Just a bit more.

In the end both felt good. Especially as it seemed that Karlach’s middle finger had just the right length to reach this one spot inside of Shadowheart, that would make her squirm and moan with excitement. The spot that felt better than almost anything else.

“Keep your legs spread for me, sweetheart,” Karlach murmured, as a squirm had made Shadowheart close up.

“I’m sorry,” Shadowheart just whispered.

She was lying on that rock, with Karlach crouching next to it. Somehow Shadowheart could not help herself, wrapping her arms around Karlach’s neck as she was moaning again. “Karlach,” she whispered. “Karlach…”

“You like that?”

“Yes,” Shadowheart whispered. “I do. Yes.” She moaned again, her body feeling as if on fire. “Ah.” A part of her wanted to scream into the night, though she kept her voice somewhat under control. “Oh.” That mindless pleasure was spreading in waves of tingles throughout her body – through both her torso, and along her legs. “I’m cumming.” Those words did escape her. “I’m cumming.” She twitched, grasping even tighter onto Karlach.

“Good girl,” Karlach once more praised her. “That’s a good girl.” She kissed Shadowheart’s nose. “Now, I did promise you something, didn’t I?”

Shadowheart’s mind needed a moment to remember, what this woman could even mean. But she did in the end. “You wanted to do this, until I begged you to stop…”

“Yes,” Karlach whispered with a grin. “Exactly.” And with those words she continued.

Girls' Talk - AlpakaAlex - Baldur's Gate (Video Games) [Archive of Our Own] (2024)
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Author: Terrell Hackett

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Author information

Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Suite 453 459 Gibson Squares, East Adriane, AK 71925-5692

Phone: +21811810803470

Job: Chief Representative

Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.