The Anson Times from Wadesboro, North Carolina (2024)


Nissen Wagon Ifilliai ftollcotl, Wholesale Dealer in DRY GOODS, CLOTHING; NOTIONS, HATS, POOTS and SHOES. JIILLjINERY GOODS, llebellioi) Atfainsr Political Bowses. There has been a marked rebellion all over the land against the arrogance and presumption of political bosses and engineers. "Accept our dictation or take the consequences," has been the cry of those in charge of the party machines. The reply has pi yen no uncertain sound.

Large numbers of the voters have concluded to "take the consequences," rather than submit to this intolerable tyranny of partv leaders. The revolt has SIFTED THEM OUT. Winnowing the WLoafc from the Tares A Problem easily Simplified. "My friend," said tbe druggist, "yoa have a lame beck, yoh say, end want a plaster to put on it. Once I could shown a large assortment to choose from.

Now I keep only a few, and sell most of BENSON'S CAP-CINE POROUS PLASTER, Why? Because they are the -best. I have All co*ck's, the Capsicum and some others. They are harmless and slow. Business is business, and I gradually ceased to deal in them to any great extent." right, do me up a Capcine, without any more tali, for my back aches as though I had been working my passage in a i 1 1 ggggM 7fifW ITEM sssswau.i as Pronounced by all who have used them to be th- stn nm-st lit-liK- ind cheapest wapjii made. Other wagons are beir.

rs our ar you wish the genuine p. Nissen wagon, get from the above agents a-'l heV ire the only airents Stanley Count v. 6-12m. CKNTLtMKN: have Va, lUitttu twenty-live rears in meiiiclnc. li.tvo iuver IROX TOXIO llo'S.

Ill III" Poverisheal miKhtlon of lilmvi, this -a i. li.inu 1 ia. -ascsthathave some 1 l.i;ii ri ablerernedT. I it in prcftrca. t.

any iron iuvir.raiion "m.t- 1:, UAHTEJl' Ikon To.vic a ncssirr i.i mv prt. I n. Sr. it nitffa colort ttntuml hmUhful tonet to nervous mjtutetti, making it applicahl to Gmrrall DrbUUy, Lamm of Aynf titi Prostration of Y'itnl wrfMWmBfJ. MANUFACTURED BY THE OR, HARTER MEDICINE J.

H. PARE a GEO. E. NISSEN Makers Salem P. N.

C. L.n fininl III Hf snvtliin in --iv .1, IVnst iii.n 1 OUi a Service Barometer 4-a 4V TiiriMimii'Trn rminivrn. end from wna iiruit'rs can t.lan their work ti rr MEEM 140 PEARL STREET. is: 2 HGMIFMS OF CC11CN, NAVAL STORES AND OTHER 1(1 souc ri IIILSKEIIULI CCN1RAC TS IN r.nnx AND PROVISIONS. 53 been general, although not as yet uni versal.

It hs gone lar enougn, however, to show the peoplo their powpr and to point the way more complete emancipation when ever they chooee to make the Journal of Com-meece. And now let the Jersey Boss Jobber Robeson get aboar.l whatever plank is left of his exploded navy and coax the friends of the "old man" to paddle him up Salt River to look for Folger and Arthur and the rest of the bosses that were drowned jit -tu. -day's deluge. Phil. Times.

The following are the official majorities in Richmond county: Pockery, 610; Johnston. 460: Graham. Rep for Senate. 406: Covington. for House.

3Si: Lontr. for Clerk. 500, Smith, for Sheriff, 476: Harllee, colored, for Register of Deeds. 239, Jacobs, colored, for Coroner. 339.

4trt aw KLEEHATED 7 if- Tfevae ITS Old fashionable remedies are rapidly ivinir ground before the advance ot this conauprintr iecific. and old fashioned idead in regard to depletion as a means of cure, have been' quite exploded by the success of the great renovant which tones the system, tranquiiizes the nerves, neiW tralizes malaria, depurates and enriches the blool, rouses the liver when dormant, and iromotes a regular habit of body. For sale- by all Druggists and Dealers generally. 22-1 mm 1. -A A 1 I and 1.

1.1... FLOHISTC-T PARKER'S TOmiG An Invigorat ng Hedicins that Never Intoxicates This de icions combination of lUichu, Mandrrtke, htiilins'1 nri'lmary ophcr of (lie best krorvn. rtirrs disorders rf the bowels, l.idrcj andlurs Tba Cest farstt Cough Cure Cver Used. If yfu arc ru.Tcring from Cmplaints, l. itLcUiInt hn inatisr Tyspcp-sia.

ae it ci-ease or iiif.rn:iiy, tnkv. 1'rrker's GinjeT Tonic. It viil sm-nc-ihen braiu nd body ani you rew life and Yi.or. Puid for injurious found in Cirgffr Tonic or for a failure 10 or cure. (V.

anl 1 r.zvt ft dfalert ilj lrc(r. Irre iivtnzboTlnz il trxij for un uhr lo lllscox it itj Vni.St-fS. Y. I'J lv-N K. whence Comes the Unbounded Popii- larity of Allco*ck's Porous Plasters Because they have proved themselves Best External Remedy ever in vented, They will cure asthma' colds, coughs, rheumatism, neaural i 1 tfcAj uii iuv til 11a.u1.

rjr 1 Pl Applied to the small of the back thoy are infallible in Back-Ache, xerv0us Debility, and all Kidney troubles to the pit of the stomach 1 I STOMACH (P i 1 Jj4 us the it. was the and that JULIUS LEWIS RALEIGH, N. C. LARGEST STOCK IN NORTH CAROLINA OF HARDWARE, Doors, Sash and Blinds, Paints. OILS, GLASS AND PAINTERS' SUPPLIES, LIME, PLASTER COOK AND HEATING STOVES, RUBBER AND LEATHER BELTING, AND MANUFACTURERS OF THE "ALL RIGHT" WAGON 37-6m IS Stn Irt MM WILL THE WEATHER BE TO-MORROW? PogS's Signal ii" KTiiii rtf t.

HRIFrW-rfiPli WTIjIj T32Ij1j YOU! I l.M5 4 It -frill d'ltevl and imlic lm torruuti anv in thn weathor 12to 48hoar-i eofci It will d'stect and in.tic ti corructiy any ul)ane i felKSIsSt! ln sl.ince. It w.ll wnaX kind of stum is ayp diructi ia iu vain.i'iii- tt tin tr. Far toils according prsdijlions. Sitves ot times iLit 'nI in a aiiiKle season. What DUJ Jt, A casual glance at the county returns reveals the fact that the vote at this election has not been a full one.

We had supposed it would be light, but not as light aa the result has prov ed. Bennett's vote wijl hardly reach one hundred and fifteep thousand that of the Democratic judicial ticket will be perhaps two or three tfpusand less. Dockery's vote will be less than Buxton's, while the Republican judicial ticket Jags far behind, probably not reaching one hundred and nine thousand. The vote cast for Dockery is so much fuller than that given to the Republican judicial ticket that it is evident great stress was placed on his election. No means were left untried to secure that end.

And here we wish to give a text for our party tciends in differ- -ent section? of the' State to use in breaching a few lay. sermons. Organization is worth more than press, orators and campaign thunder. Without doubt the Republican committee had a more thorough organir zation this year than ever before, probably more thorough than the Democrats have ever had, although we were pretty well organized in 1876. They had an organization down into every township, and every township was in constant communication with the Republican Stale com mittee and was susceptible to the fluences emanating from party head- quarters.

To be sure this work took money. We know nothing of the "Republican committee, but hazard the ixw'ecture that it spent, first and last, seventy hvp thousand dollars in North Carolina, and that at least five thousand dollars were spent legitimately for purposes of organization. As far as we know or have any reason to believe, the fund at the dis- posal of Capt. co*ke, the chairman of the Democratic Stale committee, did not amount to five hundred dollars, perhaps not half so much, an amount utterly disproportionate to the expenses of the campaign, involving, at one item, the printing of more than a uiijjion tickets. Xewsand Observer.

Kind tu the 014 Man. "I raise you three dollars, father," eaid a Comstock young man who was in a little game of draw with his pa ternal progenilor the other evening. 'What are you doing that for asked the old man, rather peevishly. help it. Got two pair." The rhierly penlleninn threw up his hand, whereupon the youth show cm! i-iHtf, thrj fact that Jie did nut -j sr.

much as a paw ol deil-'t I ll-- of -t an the old man's t.u- was iiitense, but it changed sud- 1 1 1 f. tue next hand, which was ity his accojiiphbhed son, contained three aces. "Mebbe you won't be so previous in your blufling this time," chuckled the father, as he drew two cards and shoved a handful of his hard-earned silver into the middle of the table. "I tap you," was the son's laconic reply, throwing up a $20,00 piece. In the old man did not notice that his boy had not drawn any cards, and so unhesitatingly call ed.

He was downed. The boy had a flush. After the old gentleman had left, the vouncr man said, in the voice 0 .1 1 1 fl-i-wl 1 I XfllCn Was HllllOSb eilOivcvx, uiu nn.n showed plainly how much ho was moved by the emotion of filial affec- 1 tion, "I had to do it, boys. know how it is. Father has to work very hard, and it was doing him a i favor to break him quick, 60 he could Ket home and have his regular sleep.

1 1 ii T-lrri furr-h in th flrnvks. I (l City Enterprise. Coin For Arthur; New York, November 7. The Times to-morrow will say; the Ke- publican party's message to President Arthur reads something like this. 'Mind your cjwn business, which is not that of interfering in local polities ot your own or any other State.

Cease trying to be a ward pojitjeign and executive of the na tion at tiie pvjme time. Ieave men like John O'Brien, Stephen B. French and John F. Smj'th to their own doings. Try to expand your political vision beyond the area to which you have been accustomed to confine You are not ignorant cf elements of statesmanship; advance beyond them and coufide in the people rather f.

tin in politicians. Be fo fois on a uisgruniieu constituency you 11 lllU fiirn tender defeat with the judgeship of the, Supreme Court you i WI1HI1 1111 III 111 1I1HLI LI i insulted the public ltitt-lb' -tu inaiwnen y.n jetit yom l- vm his revenge ani that of his mis P9tiltl, against Governor Cornell you aroused the indignation of every thinking map this State, and some distrust of your administration wherever honesty and manliness are reckoned among political virtues. Have a mind of your own and be fresideut of the nation; not of a narrow and vindictive faction of your own party. The country inav be brought to admire Chester A. Arthur as he may It has emphatically con.ieiuund Chester A.

Arthur as he is. ECeifer loriosome in the next Coturrs ithout bis friend, mariner horn Jersey, to teli iien lie ouprht to s-eak and when to keep sileaon. If Mr. Knifer undertakes io i it nlne he will get awfully mixea rj imes. Nevermind neither "Rumen Johnston nor GMieorl" Madis.n Leach of militia training: times, nor Charles Prige haVe any office.

But ill an appreciative Arthur prove unerateful and i-fu a ft-w iiub JfjgV to tlie hungry Star. ag8uifdthat when you intrigued'! the claims of Roscoe Conkling I I the and are the A fi. fj ill less. TlIL1 of Colic, Bon or Lore TXB, If Foots Povdets an Media time. Foots Powder wlllcoreaodpreTeatHooCBouBA.

Foot Powdera will remit Oapk rm Fowl. Foott Powder will tocreaae the qnaaUty of milk adcreMtweatrperceaL, sad nuke Um batter Oca and sweet. Foots Powder win enre or prereat ateomt mn PiRBAas to which Hone and Cattle are aobject. Foots Powdbbs wiu. oits Saiuraonoi.

pom TWjwnere. DATIP B. FOTJT. Proprietor. ULTIKOS3, X9.

5-tt C. OUTCHIMSOM. i AND ABINET-MAKEK FTJENTTTJEE OF ALL KINDS constantly on hand and made to order. Repairing done on short notice. FINE COFFINS AND CASKETS always in STOCK.

uroei-s by mail or telegraph promptly nuea. J. C. HUTCHINSON, 16-1 y. Wadesboro.

N. UT LLS SYMPTOMS OF A TOFSPSD LIVER. Ti033 of A Dcetite. Bowels costive. Pain in tile Head, with a cull sensation in the part' I a uder the Shoulder biHde, fuUneea after citing, with a disin- clmntioa to exertion of body or mind.

irritability' of temper. Low spirits, with a leeling of having neglected ome duty, Ditziaes, Fluttering at the Heart, Dots before the eyes, Yellow Skin, Headache genera! over the right eye. Restlessness, with fitful dreams, highly colored Urine, and CONSTIPATION. aaeMawanaiaBaaaaaaaiawe3 TUTT'S PILL-Saro especially adanted to snch cases, one dose effects sucli n. hmim of feeling an to astonish the tmflerer.

They nrreoae Appetite, and cause the body to on Flraii. tlius thp Rystem is nouriahpd. and by their Tonic Artloa on the Ii8Tt irr Onrana. Itreulur SiioIa ducod. Price cents, a Murray Ht W.

Y. TUTT'S HASH DVE. Gray Hair on Whiskkks changed to a Glossy Black by a single application of this Dvk. Itlm- Cam a natural color, acts Instantaneously. Sold Druggists, or 6ent by e.xire-j on receipt of $1.

OFFICE, 35 JII RKAY BTEW TOBE. (Dr. TITTS SlUAL of Talniihlp Isfuraailoa Ctcfkil VciU will be mailed am appUeaUwbJ 22-1 IjarccLlatrillkieinH ynuci -r i ir For 8c. stamp. ChaS.

FolSOm.N.Y.City MASON HAMLIN ORGANS are certainly best, havimrheen cecreeu at every Ureat World's Tnr1nafi1ol tr Sixteen Years: no other American organs htyle 1( 3i octaves sufficient compass and power. wvw BUM Tilt largtr styltt are wholly unrivmled by rir Aisoior easy payments. illus- irated Cataloeue free. xue MASON HAMLIN Oriran and Piano uWabaihTve11 cw 8 ton 48 J4th St-Kew York 4-4E CONSUMPTION. I have positive remedv for the above hi lu tbonsaods of cases of the wont kind Tl Inn 19 tandinir have bpti ciirAH lu its etiiracv.

that I will semi TWO BOTTLE get her rrith TREATISE on this dlMutM, to anysufierer. Give Eipn-n end P. o. address. va.

i. a. SLUbLn, 11 rearl tu. New York. 4-4 JOHN T.

BUTLER, Watch. HVLaZkzen? AND JEWELLER, Dealer in FINE WATCHES, CLOCKS. JEWELRY, SUver and Plated Ware, Spec-tacles, Charlotte. N. C.


Charlotte. N. March, 1882. Wadesboro Cacli Shops, H. D.

PIKRSTQN, Proprietor. Manufacturer of Wagons and Buggies. Repairing done at short notice, and cheaper than ever known. Call and see me, and save 25 cents on the dollar. Until 1882 you can get your horse shod for 75 cents, all round.

Shoes, nails and all sorts of iron for sale at my shops. Call and see. lo-ly. WWliams HaywooD, Wholesale and Retail DRUGGISTS, RALEIGH, N. C.

Keep constantly on hand a large and complete stock of Pure Drugs; Medicines, Chemicals Pharmaceutical Preparations, PAINTS. OILS, DYE STUFFS, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC PERFUMERY, Fancy Articles. Fine Teas, Spices, Landreth's Garden Seeds, Cigars, Tobacco, Fine Li quors for Medical Purposes. Physicians and Country Merchants sup nlid at. verv Iiw Priepa fl I ritmnn nnil Ll1.

I TjAAHA rn jj iii Carefully COUipOUadea at ail hours. And Manufacturer of Pants, Shirts and Drawers. I Wilmington and Hargett Streets, BaleiglL, UST O. Silverand China. LAW'S S.

C. HOUSE, INEST TRIPLE PLATE AND CHINA WARES. 23-1 Bead Advertisem*nt. II A I A I "CHIEFTAIN" I'll tt ti jOfiK- fWfi? HOrSA KH KPi JJKJ IV Lj CI LJ1 OU J-trtlVCOa KENTUCKY CANE MILLS AND Cop; er EL tijioraor IMPROVED DELVE WALKING CULTIVATORS. The Celebrated Daw Law Cotton Planters will save more than enough to TO DOUBLY PAY FOR ITSELF EVERY SEASON.

Geiser Thresher AND orse Powers. TnOMAK SMOOTHING TTATfPOW mw fino .1 i. opecuj iinpieuicut. iur fui- tivatmg corn, Acme Harrow, agency lortne oia established Ames Engine and other machinery. A lot fPAQli rMrnn rf.

uciuiau iuiucv, iiuiiLaimii ana early Amber (Jane seed, irrices as low any house in the State. J. G. Sliannonhouse, 7-1 CHARLOTTE. N.

C. Send to nooitrs 1 ITS IN KJK VTHtV KRSITT or Illustrated Circular. A live actual Bttji- bcnooL Established twentv veara. 22-ly It Stands AT THE HEAD! The Light-Running DOMESTIC THAT IT IS THE ACKNOWLEDGED LEA DEB of TIIE TRADE IS A FACT THAT CANNOT BE DIS PUTED. Many Imitate It None Equal It! THE LARGEST ARM.

THE LIGHTEST RUNNING. THE MOST BEAUTIFUL WOODWORK. And is warranted To be made of the best material To do any and all kinds of work To be complete in every respect. AGENTS WANTED. Domestic Sewing Machine Go.


"Wadesboro. N. C. oct 6 '82-lv Paynes' AUTOMATIC Engines. 2 to loo Horse Power.

5 rfl Mja. OwraAle, mm mm asali Wn fernish ahorse With mmm amllt. ao ttted with aa autoasaoc enf-off. Catalon seat area. B.

W. Patwb Son, Boa I400. CeraaasTTtC Y. 4 mm umsm -4. KoUm.

baggage car." "Here you said the druggist, "with the word CAPCINE cut the middle of the plaster, proving it to be genuine. "And here's your twenty-five cents," said the lame backed man. walking slowly away. 4-1 An Only Daughter Cured of Consumption. "When death was hourly expected, all remedies having failed, ami Dr.

H. James was experimenting with the many herbs of Calcutta, he accidentallv made a preparation which cured his onlv child of Consumption. His child is now in this county, and enjoying the best of health. He has proved to the world that Consumption enn be positively and permanently cured. The doctor now gives this Recije free, only asking two thereeoent stamps to pay expenses.

This herb also cures r.i.'ht sweats, nausea at the stomach, and will break up a fresh cold in twenty-four hours. Address Craddocd 1W2 Race street, Philadelphia, naming this paper. 4-it These Goods are sold under an Absolute Guarantee That they are the Finest and PUREST goods upon the market They ARE FREE from DRUGS and CHEMICALS of any kind; Gp.AXi Offer for the next days on ly. Square Granl Tiano for only Piano Styk- 3 Magnififent insewood case, ekantly linHitsd, l-- Octaves, full patent agraffes, our new patent K-autiful c.irvo.l K'g and iv. heavy erpn.

ine ar.d larjje funry inouldin, ina Frem-h Grand Action. Unuid Hauauiais, in Tact, every im-provi'iuejit uiiieli can in any way tend to the perfection of instrument, hus been add-eil. hirjTice for this instrument, boxed and delivered on Ixmrd at New York, with tine Cover. Stool and Book, only IfJ.OO. Ja-t re.lue.'d from our late wholesale.

price, $'2'X, (or 01) days only. 'Tins is now, bv the rerdest oar.LCain ever offered the inusieal jaliii'-. suceetis. Trcnieiid ins dcinaihi for this stvle! Send in yor.r order at once. Do not iose this rare opportunity.

1 Ins I iano will bo sent on 1 days test trial. Piease sf-nd reference if you do not send money with order. Cash sent with order will refunded and freight charges paid by us both ways if Piano is not just as represented. Several other sjx'cial Bargains: Piauos, KViup. Over l.r,,(HKin uso.

and not oae di Don't fail to write Lefore buying. Handsome Illustrated Piano Catalotjiso, mailed free, piving the highest testimonials ever av.v.rded any piano manufacturer. Every Piano fully warranted for 5 wirs. SHEET MUSIC at one-third price. Catalogue if choice pieces of popular Music sent for mkxdkijssohx piano co.

51-ly P. O. Box 2056, New York City. Ears for the Million! Foo Cboo's Tialsam of Shark's Oil Positively Restores the and is the Only Absolute Cure for Deafness Known. This Oil is from peculiar speeiesof small White Shark, caupht in the Yellow Sea, known as Carcharodon Romk'letii.

lishernian knows Its virtues as a n-st' rafive hearing discovered ly a Bi.ddhist Priest about years 140. cures were so numerous many so seemingly miraculous, that the remedy was officially proclaimed over the entire Empire. Its use became so universal for over years 110 Do-tfness has ex- isfWl among the Sent, charges to any address at l.O0 ocr bottle. AR WHAT THE DEAF SAY It has performed a in my case. I have no unearthly noises in my head and hear much better.

1 have l)oen greatly benefitted. My deafness helped a gix-at desl think another totUe will cure me. "Its virtues are unquestionable and its curative c5ris-aetr absolute, as the writer can ner- ney, 7 Dey Stiver, York, enclosing $1 .00, aii'l vou will re-viv bvivtnm i-nnilv that will enable vou to hear Iikf anybody else, and whose curative clfevts ivill Vou will npvor reri-ct tloin so. -Editor of i Mercantile Keviw. i rT?" To avoid loss in th please send i 1 ir Onlv Iir.ixirtl bv JlAYi.orK Sole Aeeiits for Ainorifa.


GA; 7 Ei. 1 sj i 1 1 North Eastern Railroad Co. Charleston S. I March 22, 1S2. On and after Iha's date the following Sched ule win be run, bundays included Learc Charlestons Arric Florence.

12.30 p. 3.50 a. 7.00 p. m. 4...

Arrive Lane's 11.10 p. Leave Florence, i Irrire Charleston. 2.40 a. b.soa. 2.

00 p. Lanes 2. 15 a. m. 6 45 p.

7.20 a. m. Train leaving: Florence at 2.40 a. m. will Graham's Kingstree, Monek's Corner a 1 ji lution.

1 i P. L. CLEAPOR, General Ticket Agent. J. DIVINE, General Sujj't.

iyie fcHammond, 1 1 "Wholesale Dealers in hardware, LERY, I li.ON. NAILS, CARRIAGE AND AVAGON MATERIAL. The Largest Stock of Rubber Belting IN THE STATE. iiiljan' Hardware a peciality. i-ijm 1...

ji if a Fortune Book -i' ili.ull tu cur irptt, RliiOliig una Illuairutluns. to iter MontJi. For TerniN. a.Utcai C. M-CL'RDV i Philadelphia, Fa 4G-ly AGENTS Wanted SSSITmhi" arks of character grrat variety KS DIUIcS iri scliin- I needed everywhere; Liberal terms.

u. aurreton ak 3a College Tenn. 4My I flflCy T2 fl EVEKYWHERK 1o Bell HiE.I bnii CJ the best Kamilyllnit- tlu ptcr i.iventfl. Wiil knitapairof 3. w.

1 ITZAjJa and XOE complete, in "3. It -ft .1 9 so 1 a treat variety of fancy-t. iVi i i i a ready tosrkct. Snl n' Ti- 1 1. Knitting Jr I -If.

Tur.jitth-e rm.t mako wRirh i completely chancy the biooi in tiirP, v-oni! person 1 e.icli nbditfroii 1 to 12 weeks to: 1 i ii-nind lr allli. i ach a thing O'r C- luaion, Zla.s tvruit Tjr ISt; ijj4r, nslishi JS HF.KE EXPRESSED sjTRACE mark's Our Free Circular tells the best Kansas. Jnns 26th. DffL IIahris KJMed Co. Gents I used the Pastilles as directed and they completely cured me.

Id about ona week from the time 1 commenced using them I beawi to sleep well and, I continued to use all the box with constant improvement nnd since that time Oct. 1881) I have fnlt like a now man. I truly hope that many of the sufferers will find out that you bf 76 a specifio for nervous weakn.i and he enreti by the Feme. Kespectfully Yours, P. S.

Ton will net publish my name bat persons visiting you may be rHprre I to fini I Tilt answer them. To every yonrir, luiaaie age or old man troubled withinerwus or physical debility or impotence scaled circular is sent free. Sn 1 full sridress cn postal card to HARRIS StMEDY CO. St. LOUlS, MO.

We nt your pd JreB3. You need our remedy. Bend and be convinced of 22- ly i THE DISEASES OF YOUTH and MANHOOD A GUIDE TO HEALTH WITH- OUT MEDICINE. A PHYSICIAN of 25 year's experiunce. Don-'t Doison voiir system with Dmn, hot ret this Hook and avoid Ouacks.

"Prescriptions free' and Electric Belt Hum bugs, which It ejeposes. Price 25cts. Address rHE PUBLISHER, Box 234, Milwaukee, 22-ly a FITS! When I av i lire i u( mean i-ior to ttop lor aud ihcn Unvo them retnin npii'i. I mean arndi-f A I have mnde the disease i KiTS, El'ILEPST FALLTNOSICKSESa life-long Ftmly. I warrant rr remedy to enre the worst cases.

Jlecaiise others hnve faileU i no ronson for not now receiving care, crd at cnci trentlse and a Free Uortle of my Infallible rcTncrtr. Give Express and Post Office. It costs you nothing fnr a trlnl, and I will enre you. Addreii Dr. II.

o. BOOT, 183 Pearl St. New York. Faimiiy Magazine. Two Dollars.

Demorest's Illustratetl Monthly. Sold by all Newsdealers and Postmasters. The New Volume (10) commences with November. enl FIF1Y CENTS for three nton-hs; it will satisfy yo.u th it oa can subscribe Two Dollars lor a year and get ta times its yalue. YOU- Want good, energetic agentsevery-w here to sell oir tietv pictoritit family Bible.

The best in tbo illustrations, 16C0 ppM handsome bindings, and many valuable iVaturus found in other Bible. Seus at sight. Also Kidpnth'T History of the TJ. complete with the present administration. Ifyouwaut tonirke niony sv 'l lor terms, circulars, etc Adreaa WAI.k i- STOWS.

ISO W. roCKTU tIKUSSATL U. Homes for Farmers Mechanics! HO.M KS FOR EVERY OX EH! riamis lor Sale on Ten Years' Credit. Lands for Clearing! Clear us forty acres nd we will deed jbu twenty of the forty Haired. We own or can control more than sprps of GOOD TIMBERED LAXD in Eastern Arkanisaa or Western Mississippi.

lands, if cleared, will make Ten YhousiMid Comfortable Homes. nili we will soli in tracts to suit 1 a Ti-ii Years' Credit Every lit r.i r.iii h-ve ii Home if he wants one. Karius or Timlered Lands will he exchnued for good merchandise or notes, or for improved City rtv JACKS CO. iti -ulrrss 144. T.

JACKS, Holena, Ark. Tl li.iv.- a -Ulve ih iiim.vh dukH! bv its a njlw. ben curei i stmna Is mt fnilh .1 it-i f1t.7. II. at I will TVl KEIt with vjl I.VA BI.B TKR ATISK this d'sea-St io MiilV-rvr.

ire ExprMw ami p. atldrem. T. a. Ui.TM.

11 rearl 8t Tor. Newspaper Advertising Darcan, 10 Spruce X. Y. PENSIONS! forSoMiers.WVWw. parenrv and Cbiidrcn.

Aay disease. wound or injury entitles. Mil- lions anorooriated and work- ins lorce doubled. Prompt work and homes made happr. Fee $ro.

Apply now. Widows, re-married, now entitled dining wtaowhood. Great ajcuess in INCREASE cases. BOCNTY an-1 Back Pay and Discharges procured. Deserters entitled to all dues endernew laws.

pS A mtmW ll fer Inren. aad sold. TbeVyO LD 6 LDI I Pr)- Sample copy face. Send stamp fcll anstractinfis, 1 lanks bounty tables H. W.

FITZCERALD CO I 1 -usioo. tc Laud Aa'ys, Washington. r. if 9 ev. mm OJ fafl IFIamE Best Snd Twentv Cents for a Specimen Copy to W.

JENNINGS DEMORESr, East Fourteenth Street, New York. Pi rSff i eombiaaUon. Tbis (tro WKATIlrii: INOICATOK i endonMKl by hm best in the world! I Wt Tile Tiier-aoraet -r und 11 ir or are put. in nirrfy finished waioot fraast. Ia5itt a SSSi'KfeNif'iPy with silver pU luakiiiT V- a liui.uufui aa well as aaafnl mr-i Mj I wi.l t-Pti'l i on a sample ens, i'n Tvdfrer, tnMirplao.ia -oo4 i i5rSifftEjiS ordar, i o.

i sis for Ar are n.nkin tram $to 9M E-il "-'T rrilSwipl d'ily f-rl ir-il f.nHvce Onlcr at one. It Mil fPfcSsW l3OTSSiJ Si ti to s'l io larnr. etc. Inlnbta RW 2 KSM. Hf'SSLa l.r.

1 i t-ikr i in rvrl r. bo uonay 5.f i'cr-d. f. n-. rcnUr and Ursaa.

I i. imixZ "r-i ti remit bp mmm IPlfM '-s I I'rraeat. iSli1 w.m sr. vv IT. IrflSI '3 8 I Vri lti 'rw as Ton ean ralr ic5 a Is on ti I Sen Kranciaoav i'l 8 i6 tfi3SsS nnt n.v ti sriree 4 MfJ '-W' aT'i pr l' iiiclii'u -r -y t- "yitirrt a iii nd-jrfiillycrim -JirSi fs-JB t'n I' A I'Rtrfiit, 'icb.

fi? p-it o-ir Trade ilik, aid of A. Poown hack ot lustm- mWm ZCJC, MARK. 3 I- n-t pxtSdSfd ri. eivine ti.o re'urn i. namonj auaHtoiafejaamsiJsia vi: wi.l roCuui vunr moaej i'loasa Maw nueca you tuvr our adrorX'iiisiuwnv Furniture thev arc a surp Clirp for Dvnpnsifl "i testify, both from cxrrienee and ob-uie art, a sure cure ior servation.

Write nf to Ilavlock Jen AS ANY HOUSE 'i My store is 145 ft'ot long on first I Curry an Immense I also keep Baby Carriages, Frames, Window Shades, Cornices and. Slirrors. Also A Full Line of MET ALIO OASES and COFFIN'S Thou. W. Andi-ews, formerly with Mr.

Nichols, is with me. Com axxci see -as Hml E. M. ANDREWS, SSTSM CHAKLOTTE. N.

C. 7-iy Furniture1 IN THE STATE. floor and 140 on second. story. Stock 'of Fnrnitur Mattresses, Pictures, Mouldings 7m mi TAW" 1 Liver Complaint i--r ALLco*ck'S POROUS PLASTERS i.

painless, fragrant, and quick to cure. Beware of imitations that blister and burn. Get ALLco*ck'S, onlv Genuine Porous Plaster. 17-ly-N It PLACE FOR YOUR DICTIONARY, A PLACE FOR YOUR NEWSPAPERS, A PLACE FOR YOUR. PERIODICALS.

an ornament for ronr kmiK. all THE NOYES DICTIONARY HOLDER. 11 1 I sC-sIo SfSi i13 is ill AS ..5 i. 5 JJsJti 63 a 5-3 Tokay Vineyard FAYETTE VI LLE, N. C.

-O- GoM Medal and all the First Premium at State Fair; also the First at other Fairs. Puritv and qualities -paioranteed in Wines, Scnppcmongr, Mish, Flowers, Tokay Sherry. Norton, lyes and Concord Mai-tha, Delware, "rice per jalton. orders A. McUUIE.

Superintendent. W. J. GHEEN, Pro. 32 6m fl 6-tf.

i 307 King Street. Charleston, S. C. Invites attention to a beautiful line of STERLING SILVERWARE, Diamonds, Exquisite Jewelry in Lockets and Chains; Ear Rings and Broaches. A Choice assortment of Rings.

Fine Watches in Gold and Silver Cases. Clocks in great variety. With a large stock of Beautiful Novelties in Fancy Goods. Watches and Jewelry carefully repaired by experienced workmen. Orders promptly attended to.

JAMES ALLAN, 307 King Street. t5T" Sign of the DRUM CLOCK. October 2, 1882. 51-ly MIS in 55 P. Lit! ai asanii.fjfcj.

The Anson Times from Wadesboro, North Carolina (2024)
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Author: Golda Nolan II

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Author information

Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

Phone: +522993866487

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.