Is it more useful to learn French or German? (2024)

Is it more useful to learn French or German?

If “useful” is about the sheer number of people you'll be able to converse with, French beats German easily. There are 267 million French speakers in the world, compared to 155 million German speakers.

Is French or German more useful?

Reasons To Learn French As Opposed To German

There are over 300 million people in the world that speak French. If you plan on going into international business, diplomacy, or European hospitality, then French is very useful to know.

Which language is best to learn between French and German?

That said, experts largely agree that the more German you learn, the easier it gets, while French gets more complicated the deeper you dive in. And German pronunciation is definitely easier.

Should I learn German or French or Italian?

For business purposes, German is a much more important language to speak given Germany's status as the economic powerhouse of Europe. It is also spoken on the Pacific rim. Italian will obviously be more useful in Italy and Italian-speaking pockets around the world though.

Which is more useful Spanish or French or German?

As a result, knowing German can be essential to succeeding in these fields globally. According to The Economist, knowing how to speak German will offer the highest reward in bonuses compared to learning how to speak Spanish or French.

Which foreign language is in demand?

Apart from Hindi and English the top four foreign languages with the most speakers in India are Mandarin Chinese, Spanish, Arabic, and French. Since Germany and Japan's economy has highly developed and is giving a lot of career opportunities to Indians the demand for German and Japanese languages is also high in India.

Which foreign language is good for Career?

Since China is the world's second largest economy, Chinese has been dubbed the single most important language for business, excluding English. Possessing Mandarin language abilities will not only open doors throughout Asia, but Chinese is actually required for more jobs than any other foreign language besides Spanish.

What's the hardest language to learn?

Mandarin Chinese

Interestingly, the hardest language to learn is also the most widely spoken native language in the world. Mandarin Chinese is challenging for a number of reasons. First and foremost, the writing system is extremely difficult for English speakers (and anyone else) accustomed to the Latin alphabet.

Is German a useful language to know?

3. German. Germany is the most widely spoken language throughout Europe, as Germany remains Europe's most dominant economy. For this reason, if you do business or plan to do business in Europe, German is one of the most important languages to learn.

Should I speak German or French?

If “useful” is about the sheer number of people you'll be able to converse with, French beats German easily. There are 267 million French speakers in the world, compared to 155 million German speakers. In terms of career opportunities, French and German are both very in-demand as business languages.

Is French a useful language?

French is the international language of cooking, fashion, theatre, the visual arts, dance and architecture. A knowledge of French offers access to great works of literature in the original French, as well as films and songs.

Which language is No 1 in the world?

The languages that takes the number 1 place in our list and therefore, the most spoken first language in the world is, by far, Mandarin Chinese.

Should I learn French or Russian?

In terms of practicality, it depends where you're going to work. If you want to work in Africa or western Europe, then you should learn French or German. If you want to work in Eastern Europe, the Baltics or in Central Asia, then Russian might be more suited for you.

What is the best second language to learn in the US?

If ease and speed is your goal, however, Spanish, French and Portuguese are the best languages to learn because they share the same alphabet and structures as the English language.

Which foreign language has the highest paid job?

Chinese Language Salary in India – The Chinese (Mandarin) is the highest paid foreign language in India. Chinese speakers usually receive as much as Rs Million-plus annually. Chinese language jobs salary in India is Rs11,89,234 per year on average in December.

What is the most demanded language in Europe?

Most Demanded Languages: German & French

German speakers: German and English belong in the same language group, so if you don't speak English yet, you're still already halfway there!

How long does it take to learn German?

This is how long it will take you to learn German

According to the Foreign Service Institute (FSI) of the US, it takes 36 weeks or 900 class hours to learn German. This estimation is based on native English speakers and the institute's courses and methods.

Should I learn French or Spanish?

Research job markets and industries to determine which language could give you a competitive edge. If you live in the US and are not planning to move, then Spanish would most likely be a better option. If you are in Canada, you'll probably want to go for French.

Is it better to learn French or Mandarin?

Mandarin Chinese is generally considered to be easier to learn than French due to its simpler grammar, phonetic writing system, simpler vocabulary, and more logical structure. Of course, every learner is different, and some may find French easier to learn than Mandarin Chinese.

Is French the hardest language to learn?

Overall, French is generally considered to be mildly challenging, but to be honest, it greatly depends on your native language. Students from English-speaking countries will enjoy a big headstart for many reasons that we'll explain shortly.

How hard is German to learn?

German is a Category II language (out of five categories), the only one in this category. They say that you need 30 weeks or 750 hours of study to master German. So, compared to other languages, German is not at all difficult. And you can learn it fast and easily with the right methods.

What is the most intimidating language?

Most students consider Mandarin the scariest language to learn due to various reasons. Mandarin's writing style and special characters are complicated since they do not use the Latin alphabet like the English Speakers. Also, the tonal nature of the language makes it difficult to speak.

Why is German worth learning?

German has the largest number of native speakers in the European Union (far more than English, Spanish, or French). German is among the ten most commonly spoken languages in the world. It is also a lingua franca of Central and Eastern Europe. And as for “all Germans speak English anyway”?

How valuable is learning German?

The global career: Knowledge of German increases your job opportunities with German and foreign companies in your own country and abroad. Tourism and hospitality industry: Tourists from German-speaking countries travel wide and far, and are the world's biggest spenders when on holiday.

Is it better to learn German from English or French?

If you are an English speaker, one of your concerns may be whether French or German is easier to learn through English. German and English are both Germanic languages, so they have more in common than French and English — and in fact, German is considered one of the easiest languages for English speakers to learn.

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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Last Updated: 16/04/2024

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