Where Grimm Evolve from Men - HeroFizzer (2024)

Chapter Text

"You three are canceling again?!"

Pyrrha was on her Scroll when she received a video call from Yang asking to postpone their study session for the afternoon. She had somehow been paired up with the blonde, Weiss, and Blake, with Ruby being swapped out for the others in JNPR.

Good thing something like that would never happen outside of this project.

Already in the library waiting for her friends, Pyrrha slapped her hand down atop the table where she had several books stacked in preparation. She had expected this assignment to go swimmingly, though the fact her other friends had called it off at the last minute left her aggravated with their tardiness.

"Sorry, Pyrrha," Yang said with an embarrassed laugh, "but the other girls and I just remembered we have some business to do, and it's pretty important."

"More important than getting a passing grade?" hissed Pyrrha, trying to draw attention away from the other hunters staring at her from the hand slap. "Yang, you had better have a good reason for ditching me like this…"

"Oh, yeah! I got some pretty damn good reasons!" Yang co*cked her eyebrow as she grinned at the redhead. "But it's kind of hush-hush for now, sorry."

"Yang, don't you dare hang up without telling me-"

"What's that? Sorry, I'm getting a static visual out here. I'll have to call later! Bye!"

"Yang-!" Before Pyrrha could get her point across, the call ended, leaving her more annoyed than ever before.

Trying her best to keep her head high, Pyrrha left the library without putting any of the books back. Though she would be reprimanded for that at a later time, she decided now was a good time to blow off steam until she could encounter the RWBY girls about their behavior as of late.

Pyrrha was adamant that this group project actually ended up as a group project. Not one person would be saddled with all the work. Yang she could somewhat understand slacking off, but the fact either Blake or Weiss were also joining her was puzzling.

The redhead tried her best to shake that feeling off. There had to be an urgency behind canceling the project session. And as she went off to the training facilities to let her anger out, she was certain that she would see them tomorrow.


"You're canceling AGAIN?"

Pyrrha slapped her hand over her mouth, realizing she had grown loud after hearing that, this time from Weiss. The heiress bowed her head apologetically in the video call, even as it was hard to tell she was doing so.

"We truly are sorry," Weiss said, "but we have our own little thing that we need to take care of."

"Weiss, is this a team effort that I'm not aware of? You and the other girls aren't trying to explore an underground operation again, are you?"

For some reason, Pyrrha noted Weiss's cheeks lighting up on the screen. It was an odd sight for her to be flustered, as it would normally go towards a crush she had on someone. "Never you mind that," Weiss responded. "Just know we'll get together soon enough. You have my word on it."

"I had better…" Pyrrha growled as she ended the call.

With her head hitting the table, Pyrrha groaned out of frustration, as nothing had yet to even start on this project. "What could they be doing that is more important than their schoolwork…?" the gladiator asked herself.


Rather than head straight for the library, Pyrrha marched her way back to the dorms, a deathly gaze in her eyes. She chose not to bother with the library this time, as she figured the group would no doubt ditch her without warning yet again.

It was time for the gladiator to get to the bottom of this, no further questions.

Using her Semblance, Pyrrha twisted the knob of the RWBY girls' door from the distance, then pushed it back to show the three that she was there, and ready for a conversation.

"Oh, sh*t…" Yang said.

"Do we weapon up?" asked Blake, reaching for her Gambol Shroud.

"No, no, I think it's time we finally come clean with her," Weiss insisted, grabbing Blake's hand away from her weapon.

Pyrrha finally walked inside, her glare slowly moving across the room. The other three girls felt that stare of judgment, as rough guilt suddenly filled their hearts.

"I just wish to say that I'm ashamed of you three," Pyrrha said coldly. "If you are able to be friends with Ruby AND listen to her as a leader you can surely do the same with me and this project."

Biting her lower lip, Yang took a moment to fiddle with her fingers before finally standing up to confront the gladiator. "Look, Pyrrha, just chill a bit. We can explain, but it's just a really complicated thing to explain to someone outside of it."

"How complicated are we talking, exactly?"

As Pyrrha stared down her friends, the three members of team RWBY exchanged glances, as though they were all giving the same exact thought some consideration. "Should we tell her?" Blake spoke up first.

"It's only fair," Weiss shrugged, "this isn't something I think we can elaborate on by just telling her."

"Telling me what, exactly?" asked Pyrrha, waiting patiently for them to realize she heard them, even if that wasn't likely their intention.

"Tell us, Pyrrha," Weiss said with an innocent smile, "how would you like to join us in the Emerald Forest?"

"The forest? With all those Grimm roaming around?" Pyrrha looked conflicted, puzzling over this unsupervised field trip. "Well, I suppose I should, just to see what's so important you need to cancel project meetings…"

Yang grinned, chuckling as she slapped Pyrrha's back. "Trust me, babe," she said, "you're gonna love this."

The butterflies building up in the redhead's stomach told her otherwise. Nevertheless, she could at least say she was getting one step closer to this secret the others seemed to share.


The group walked into the forest, keeping their guard up while on the look for the feral Grimm that roamed the space. They made their way further in, getting so far in that they were covered in the trees and shrubbery. Once they were so far deep, Yang stopped in place, Clapping her hands together as a signal for the others to follow.

"Okay, we're within range. It's time to get dressed!" Yang shouted, removing her shorts from her person.

"W-Wait, this is what you brought that backpack out here for?! What are you - GAH!"

Covering her eyes, Pyrrha peaked through an opening between her fingers as she watched the other three strip naked before them. Her heart raced with embarrassment as they casually undressed before her, standing in the buff for a brief moment. After removing other articles of clothing from the backpack, Yang stuffed everything else inside of it, then turned to notice the gladiator was still in her attire. "C'mon, Pyrrha, that means you too!"

"I, uh, don't see why we need to be naked here…" gulped Pyrrha.

"We're not going in naked. Well, not completely, anyway." From there, Weiss held out small bits of an attire that wasn't fully there. They were shrugs, color coded to fit their arms; Blake having a black one, Yang's being yellow, and Weiss's having a silver sheen to it. The shrugs connected with a small jeweled brooch, connecting just above their chests where the boobs splintered off. And they all wore heels that had a raised platform, which all of them seemed capable of walking in quite freely. Once more they were suited to their hair color, leaving Pyrrha wondering how well coordinated all of this effort was.

But besides that, they were still quite naked before the gladiator.

"Here you go, Pyrrha," Weiss said, "we were going to hold onto these for Ruby, but since you've discovered this before her, you may as well take them for yourself."

Pyrrha saw that was the case, as the shrug and heels were both colored a ruby red, much like the same shade that her hood was. She remained hesitant to wear it without any other articles of clothing to cover her up, but nevertheless stripped her gladiatorial gear off in spite of the embarrassment flushing into her cheeks. She became far too aware of everyone gazing at her, no doubt never seeing her lean Amazon build beforehand. The conscious nature of this change of clothes remained in her mind even as she put on the shrug and slipped the heels on.

"So…where's the rest of the outfit?" asked Pyrrha, covering her nipples with her hands.

"These are only part of it," Weiss explained as Yang led the way further into the forest, "they're from a dress line called Songbird, although really all we need is the shrug and heels. They'll find us sexy enough with just these, after all."

"They?" Pyrrha asked, keeping her legs together as she took small uncomfortable steps.

"You'll see," Yang said as she winked back to the redhead, "we're almost there."


The walk from that point wasn't too distant, but they soon made it to their destination. It was the outside of a cave, one that Pyrrha had never seen before from her own excursions out into the forest for educational purposes.

"What's in there…?" Pyrrha asked. "Is it Grimm? Have you been hunting Grimm?"

"That was the original intention," Blake confessed, "but then we found this, and things changed pretty wildly for us."

"Right, you know the drill, ladies," Yang said, stretching herself out until her back arched and her breasts jutted out, "get in position. Pyrrha, you watch, and you'll see what we're all about."

The three girls laid down on their stomachs as they faced the cave, with their ankles crossed together. Pyrrha was left confused by their position, yet cautiously joined them in their odd ritual. As several seconds passed with her stomach stained by the grass before the cavern, Pyrrha asked once more, "So who are we doing this for? What's inside the…cave…?"

Her words trailed off as she heard shuffling coming from the cave, worried that Grimm were about to come out of the deep and dark tunnel. As they came closer to the entrance, the light exposing their bodies, Pyrrha could see that she was technically correct; these were Grimm, yet none of them looked at all like what she had seen before.

It was common knowledge around the globe that the Grimm often had menacing appearances to them, ever since they were first discovered. From feral beasts to winged creepers, from hollow bastions of death to ghastly abominations, they were the very reason that hunters existed in the first place. But as Pyrrha watched these entities coming out of their cave, it was quite clear to her that they were much different than anything she could have expected.

These Grimm…were human.

That is ro say, they were human in physique. These Grimm had the appearance of a chiseled muscle man, standing taller than six or seven feet tall. At first glance, Pyrrha believed it was some sort of paint adorning them, as their skin was dark as the night, literally only black. Their faces had an appearance like that of the Grimm, from one having a skull-like feature of the more Bestival ones and another having a carved pumpkin sitting atop his head. But the one that looked most ghastly was what made Pyrrha realize they weren't human after all. These were indeed some strange hybrid of man and Grimm.

"This is…something new," Pyrrha said, feeling a moisture slowly form between her legs.

"We found these a few months back," Yang said as the one with a ghastly face approached her. "We've been calling them Man Grimm because, well, you see it yourself." Yang reached out, not for a hand, but for a giant schlong that protruded from its groin. Standing on her feet, she thanked the heels she wore that she could be elevated for a kiss with the creature, all while she kept tugging away at his dong.

Pyrrha shrank at the sight of the large package, soon realizing that it wasn't the only one that was present. All of the Man Grimm had big dicks, each of them leaking a clear fluid that dangled off their tips.

"Mmm, what up, my dude?" Yang purred after pulling back from the kiss. "I know it's been a day but damn is my puss* missing that dick of yours."

The pumpkin headed Man Grimm helped Weiss to her feet, with Pyrrha taking notice of the flushed expression in her cheeks. The heiress's lips even quivered, something that even Jaune never managed to do for her. "Likewise, my dear hollow headed honey," Weiss said, bowing before the human-like creature. Her head faced the ground for only a moment, as her upper body remained doubled over while craning her neck out to meet with their big dick.

Weiss grabbed hold of the black hips her Man Grimm lover had, pulling herself in for the attempt to absorb the entire length of his rod within her throat. Pyrrha was impressed to see someone as refined as the Schnee heiress being able to swallow something that thick, especially as her throat had bulged out immensely due to the girth. It was quite clear that they had been doing this for some time, as even someone of her wealth wouldn't know how to give such wild oral support. At least that had been the redhead's assumption.

"Oh, f*ck, yes, let me prime that dick for you…" Pyrrha heard Blake next, her arms around another grim with a ghastly expression while her back was against his bare chest. The cat faunus rode her hips back and forth, bucking her backside loudly into his waist while her legs remained firmly locked around his shaft. The gladiator noticed a clear liquid trailing down Blake's legs thanks to the sun glistening against it, showing that whatever had been leaking out was also moistening up the Man Grimm's dong.

And Pyrrha wasn't ignorant, she knew what was occurring here; they were sexing up these anthro-Grimm.

And the more she watched these otherwise proud huntresses devolve into shameless sex objects for these mute hybrid men, the more she felt her pot stirring as well. It was hard for her to ignore the fluids oozing from her snatch, the grass rubbing against her folds to stimulate her sensitive puss*. She was getting excited to see how her friends were acting submissive to their co*cks, and no matter how she tried to hide it, that proof would be right where she was laying on the grass.

Yang squatted before her Man Grimm, her lips level with his shaft as she flicked her tongue against his nub. A deep, hushed growl escaped through its mouth, or what seemed to be one, as it tensed up where it stood. The hybrid creature ran its fingers through the huntress's golden locks, feeling the soft volume that it exuded. Even the blonde girl was getting into the blowj*b she delivered, with one hand fondling her breast while the other teased her folds.

The ghastly Man Grimm then grabbed hold of Yang's hair, tugging her face into his crotch AR full force. Pyrrha winced as she observed the sudden spiking that occurred in the blonde's throat, stretching so far out thanks to the thickness that it held that she barely looked like she had a chin anymore.

Looking over at Blake, Pyrrha noticed that her puss* had been leaking out so much of her lubricants that it was starting to dangle off the Man Grimm's shaft. The hard swinging caused it to snap off at some point, only for more of the substance to take its place. "Yes, let me ride that co*ck," Blake hummed, keeping her arm wrapped around his neck, "it looks so good from this angle. I need it in me at some point, please let me swallow it up my kitty c*nt!"

Hearing Blake talk dirty, it made Pyrrha think that these Man Grimm had some sort of hypnotic effect on her friends. But their eyes were perfectly normal, no blank expressions behind those irises. There was, however, a glimmering lust that she never thought she could find in any of these huntresses.

The ghastly Grimm soon lifted Blake by her ass, lifting her off her feet as she continued to stare at the member with a desiring grin. Her saliva pooled out of her lips, the faunus salivating at the desires she had in mind for that huge slab of meat. Yet Pyrrha had quite a lot of doubt that would fit inside of the cat girl…


Pyrrha tensed up as she watched Blake’s belly expand with the rod’s thickness, observing how it bulged against her stomach lining. It not only went up to her ribs, but no doubt had to have pushed her reproductive organs out of place as a result of internal stretching. Yet the cat faunus didn’t mind it in the slightest, judging by the face she made. Her eyes were still full of life, yet immensely glassy. The redhead swore that there were heart-shaped highlights in her irises, which couldn’t be physically possible. But that big, toothy grin said it all, especially as her eyelids fluttered wildly.

As the ghastly Grimm folded her legs against her body, he locked his arms around the back of her head to raise and lift her body on his dong. Even as her c*nt was being drilled by the Man Grimm, Blake breathed heavily through those clenched teeth, her eyes rolling back even as her eyelids twitched. Pyrrha’s gaze was locked on the stomach, enamored by how the thickness protruded the stomach lining. Never in her life did she think it was physically possible, yet here they were showing that these things were capable of happening to them.

“Fuuuck me, you always know how to plow my puss* the right way,” whimpered Blake, even as the grin remained plastered on her lips. “f*ck me harder! I want you to stuff my c*nt with that Grimm cream!” She heaved through those pearly whites, her toes curling in as the rock managed to stretch the stomach’s skin past the ribs, making a clear push beyond the boundaries of Blake’s body.

The pumpkin-headed Grimm held Weiss up to slip his co*ck inside of the heiress, bringing their lips closer for an oddly passionate kiss. The rich huntress had her legs locked around its dark waist, with the crown teasing against her folds as the humanoid beast let her drop slightly to force his rod into her sheath. The moans escaped her mouth, even as it remained wide open to let her tongue roll against…well, Pyrrha wasn’t too sure. It had no tongue, and its mouth didn’t move beyond the creepy, cackling expression that was already carved into its face. But it seemed that the white haired huntress was trying to find some balance of romance before she let herself be reamed by his giant shaft.

“Yes, let me down gently, pumpkin baby, let me down slowly…I know it’s only been a day but I want it up my c*nt cautiously…OOOOOH! There it is! There it iiiiis!”

Weiss clung to the pumpkin headed Grimm, burying her face into his shoulder as the crown penetrated her tunnel entrance. The heiress’s body was pushed back slowly as the Grimm dick pushed its way deeper inside of the Schnee darling, with Pyrrha observing the intense stretching that wasn’t too different from how Blake handled the member. The white haired huntress was growling from the stretching put upon her, although it sounded much more agonizing than what the cat faunus dealt with.

And then there was Yang, who was stuffing her Man Grimm’s shaft into her throat as it had laid on the grass on its back. Her saliva was all over the rod, most notable when she pulled her mouth off the glans with her tongue holding several strands of saliva to bridge them together. Pyrrha had never seen such a large amount of saliva, especially as it pooled onto the blonde’s chin once her lips popped off the rod. While one hand fixated on the lower regions of the member, the other fondled away at its balls, which brought another deep growl from the ghastly humanoid’s mouth..

Yang went back down on his dong, forcing her way down the member to let her throat bulge out yet again. As an indication of just how big the staff was, Pyrrha witnessed the crown push past the throat of the busty huntress, and yet went right up against her chest. To the redhead, that shouldn’t be quite possible to happen, but neither should anything that had already occurred to her friends.

Pyrrha’s legs started rubbing together, her hips swinging against the ground as a result. As surreal as everything that was going on around her, she didn’t want them to know she was finding it incredibly hot, the steamiest thing she could possibly ever see in her life. She sucked on her lower lip, whimpering to herself as she realized that she was in just as dire a need for a dick as these other huntresses had become.

“Wait a minute…” Pyrrha whispered to herself, counting among the Grimm that were already around them. There were three, one for each member of team RWBY that was present, yet she swore that there were at least four of them that came out of the cave…


Pyrrha tensed up, her chest jolting off the grassy ground even as she remained on her stomach. Something came up to her from behind, gripping her soft ass cheeks as it pushed between them to get right against her ass. When she looked back, the gladiator realized it was the tallest of the Man Grimm, the one who she thought wore makeup to mimic the skull that the Grimm wore over their scalps. His eyes were oddly never present, as though it wore a mask to avoid showcasing any actual human appearance that aided in its unusual creepy nature.

Its mouth was still capable of movement, compared to the ghastly ones and the pumpkin headed Grimm already reaming the other huntress’s c*nts. And it made use of that mouth by forcing its tongue out and rimming against her anus. Pyrrha shivered, fighting back showing any signs of interest towards the sexual activity going down on her asshole, though with the way her eyes rolled back while she sucked on her lower lip, it was evident to anyone of the other huntresses that she was taking enjoyment out of it. Assuming any of them were even focusing on her.

The tongue kept rolling around at the outside region of the hole, even teasing its way up and down the gladiator’s crack. Pyrrha tried her best to keep herself quelled, worried that if she were to show any proper response to the anal tonguing that she experienced, she might end up ganged up by all of the Man Grimm. Seeing how her peers were dealing with it, there was concern that she would end up lost in lust like them. And with her lean muscular physique, she couldn’t risk letting that be ruined by having gigantic rods stretching her out.

“Oh, f*ck, this is…this is something…” Pyrrha said, laughing nervously in an attempt to relax herself.

“Hey, you should be pretty lucky, Pyrrha,” Yang said, removing her lips from the shaft to work her tongue on the Grimm’s balls, “that one right there’s the pack’s leader. He’s quite the alpha beast, isn’t he?”

“W-Well I don’t know about that…” Pyrrha said, her eyelid twitching as she pursed her lips. “I’ve only just met him and I don’t know him that well. But I’m sure he’s leader for a reason-”

Pyrrha gasped as her eyes went wide, the tongue managing to puncture its way through her asshole. It wriggled around inside her back tunnel, feeling strained by the sudden penetration put on her tiny anus. Her body quaked as she held back the urge to cry out from the stretching that came from that, though as she soon realized the few inches already in her back tunnel was only the beginning of this experience.

“Oh! Oh f*ck! It’s…it’s biiiiig!” Pyrrha clawed at the grassy ground, digging into the dirt as she let her ankles unlock from one another to raise her lower legs in the air. Even though it wasn’t evident with the heel’s design, her toes curled up as well, with her wailing like a banshee as the tongue burrowed its way deeper into her rectal cavity. As it pushed deeper into her back tunnel, Pyrrha feared that it could stretch all the way through her body, though it only went so far up her internal organs. She felt the tip flicking around somewhere in her stomach, although whatever intestine it traveled up was beyond her.

“Feels good, right?” Yang asked, sucking the musky flavor off her Man Grimm’s balls. “Don’t worry, you’re gonna get used to it pretty quickly. I was able to take this big sucker up my c*nt after about four or five sessions. And that was just when we were doing this, like, every few days instead of day by day.”

“Hooow long has this been going on for again?!” Pyrrha asked, her composure failing on her. As the claws of the Man Grimm dug into her ass, she felt an odd tingling in her body, as though her mind was being fogged up by a sudden fill of endorphins. The creature kneaded away at her cheeks, causing her to breathe heavily while watching the other girls take the shafts of their respective partners. Even if she tried to look away from them, she was surrounded by one of them having sexual intercourse with something that the rest of society would no doubt label as being human.

The Man Grimm soon retracted its tongue from Pyrrha’s anus, letting the gladiator have at least a moment’s reprieve to try and get her bearings back from such a wild experience. But as she thought she could regain focus, the creature raised her ass off the ground, though it sat behind her so as to force its feet against the back of her skull to keep her planted in the grass. With her ass in the air and level with its face, the hybrid then took that long tongue and forced its way into her puss*.

“YEEEEEEEK!” Pyrrha’s scream echoed through the forest as the Man Grimm not only pushed its way through the canal, stretching it out with its width, but it also managed to push inside her cervix and enter her womb. If her fingers weren’t already digging into the grass, she would have dug into it deeper, though her hands were already holding clumps of dirt as a result of the time she experienced with that appendage in her asshole.

“I can’t…ohhhh, I can’t! I can’t! Haaaagh, I can’t I can’t I can’t-” Pyrrha forced her face into the grass as the tongue rolled around inside her womb, causing a sensation to stir in her that she was never privy to before. It was wild, aggressive, and intense, yet she couldn’t get the words out to properly form a sentence. That was a result of the violent oral stimulation the Man Grimm delivered to her, feasting on the grooling fluids before they could even threaten to leave her canal.

“S-Sounds like someone’s enjoying themselves…” Weiss moaned, turning her attention away from her pumpkin headed Grimm to see what Pyrrha had been hit with by the alpha leader. “But oh me oh my, Pyrrha, if you think that tongue is incredible, just wait until you feel his DIIIIIICK!”

Weiss’s voice raised after a spike of the Man Grimm’s shaft against her cervix, threatening to penetrate it and enter her womb. Even in spite of the stretching its rod gave to the horny heiress, it still didn’t seem to have that same effect the alpha’s tongue had on the gladiator.

Blake was without words the longer she found herself on display for the other huntresses to see, her chest covered in drool that started trailing down her torso and around the bulge forced against her stomach lining. Her mind was far gone as a result of the stretching, not to mention the hard drops the Man Grimm made as her folds hit the base of his co*ck. Her juices started splashing all over the place, coating his co*ck and balls, as well as raining down on the grass where he stood. The cat faunus only wished that his dick was bigger, just so her head could be level with the bulge so she could kiss it through her skin.

Finally, Yang stopped giving her Man Grimm the oral stimulation that he deserved, squatting over his co*ck as she turned her back to him. She rubbed the tip against her folds, using her leaking fluids to lubricate him for the inevitable penetration. Being the co*cky brawler that she was, she couldn’t just let him slip it in her puss* right away, she had to work it against her ass as well. The sounds of her fellow huntresses filled her ears, stimulating her audio sensories that kept her in such a dire heat. It was the noise that helped her finger herself into an org*sm at night so she could give herself a better sleep.

Yang dropped her ass down on the Man Grimm’s lap, going against his rod while the weight of her hips squashed down on his balls. As her puss* slapped into the sack as well, it helped to stimulate the blonde brawler further, even though she was already mentally begging for that dick in her canal. And the deep snarl that came from his ghastly expression indicated he was growing impatient, waiting for her to drive that dong into her muff. She was clearly getting anxious as well, as the strands of grool connecting her folds to his nuts indicated. As she grinded against his scrotum to leave her fluids there, she knew she had to get him sheathed soon enough, or she would miss out on the ji*zz that would end up splashing onto her back instead.

“Okay, babe, you’ve been waiting long enough,” Yang chuckled, “I think you’re all set for getting inside my puss!” The golden haired huntress then rubbed her puss* against the creature’s length, her fluids trailing on the underside of the shaft. Once her folds reached the tip, she put all her weight into dropping down on the crown, groaning as it entered her canal and stretch her out with its length. She hissed through her teeth, eyes tightly shut as she curled her chin against her chest. Saliva escaped her open lips, adding to what had already been drooling out of her mouth. “Ahhh, it hurts so good!” she cried out. “Yeah, baby, it hurts so f*cking good!”

As the Grimm held onto her waist, Yang dropped her ass down, sliding her puss* against the length as a little bit of her canal pulled out of her as a result of the tight plugging that occured by the co*ck’s presence. The girth made it air tight in her snatch, yet in spite of that she was able to get it to slide through her cervix. That no doubt added to the agonizing pleasure that filled her body, though the shaft stretched so far inside her that her womb was worn internally like a condom.

The friction created inside Pyrrha’s puss* was starting to make her stir, her voice whimpering as tears formed in the ducts of her eyes. With the continuous tongue lashing occurring inside her womb, she was somehow able to feel it slamming around against her belly. It was straining her mind, which held onto the slightest sense of how insane this experience was for her. Yet her tongue stuck out of her mouth, the saliva dripping off the tip and onto the grass her head was near. The Man Grimm kept its feet on the back of her skull, keeping her in place while reminding her that he was the dominant one and he was the one who chose to mate with her.

“Nnnngh…no no no no no! I’m going to cum!” Pyrrha gasped, awashed with shame as she was close to the brink of a climax. She never thought this would be how her first org*sm would feel like, having a hybrid of man and Grimm tonguing her womb, but as she was seconds away from org*sm, she quickly accepted that this was her life now.

“GAAAAAAH!” Pyrrha rolled her face against the dirt, her legs kicking into the ground while her fluids splashed out of her canal. The Man Grimm held its mouth open wide, catching the gushing nectar even as its black skin was drenched in the fluids. The girls of RWBY would no doubt have been impressed, were their minds not already broken from the intense pummeling their c*nts witnessed so far.

The Man Grimm retracted his tongue from Pyrrha’s puss*, leaving the redhead a sopping, shivering mess as she rolled onto her side. Her body grew heavy with sweat as a result of her org*sm, the ground soaking in her juices that there was a muddy puddle near where the hybrid stood. It was quite evident, however, that he wasn’t finished with the gladatorial redhead, as he stood tall over her body, his co*ck erect as a result of the sexual munching he had brought to her body.

Pyrrha slowly turned to face the Man Grimm, out of breath from the heavy climax she felt from his tongue. A shadow of his shaft loomed over her body, her eyes glassy from the sniffling she had been doing following the agonizing release. Such a gusher of an org*sm was new to her, as it overwhelmed her to even let out such a heavy amount of juices at once. And with how that precum hung off the tip, she was no doubt going to experience more of that from such a thick dick.

“I…just want to warn you that I’m not very good with oral,” Pyrrha confessed, “this is my first time, after all.”

That didn’t seem to matter to the Alpha Grimm, as he grabbed her kull and forced her mouth over his shaft. The immediate thrust onto the dong surprised Pyrrha, her eyes wide as it made its way down her gullet. The sudden stretching inside her throat was an immense strain to her body, especially as it forced her to gag and hack against the black member. Her spit flew everywhere, and it grew worse as the hybrid started thrusting its hips against her. It was trying to stuff the whole slab of meat into her body, though with it being the longest of the Grimm present, that wasn’t going to happen as quickly as it wanted.

Still, impatience was awash in his mind, digging its claws into her scalp and forcing her into the rod while bucking closer. The co*ck inched its way down her throat, burrowing its way into her to fully fit the length into her body. Even after witnessing the tongue going so far into her snatch that it could lick inside her womb, this was a bit more of a stretch for her to handle.

As Pyrrha was witnessing her first oral service to the alpha Man Grimm, Weiss had been laid down from her previous position with the pumpkin headed hybrid. She had her back turned to him, much like Yang, only she laid on her stomach while her legs were splayed out. She backed her ass against the sitting creature, who groaned with delight as she did the work, riding against his co*ck with her puss* splashing juices with every impact. It still held onto her cheeks as she rode into him, looking back at him in an effort to lock with his triangle eyes.

“Yes, f*ck me with that dick, please, baby!” Weiss begged. “Stuff me with that ji*zz soon, I want to feel it in my belly when we leave! I have to get that cum in my puss*! Oh, yes, f*ck me good, baby, f*ck me good!”

The Man Grimm Blake had been riding ended up on his back as well, with the cat faunus laying on top of his torso. The hybrid still had a lock on her legs, rolling them back against her body while its large dong pushed against her belly. To Pyrrha, it was as though the usually quiet and stoic huntress had been long gone, as her face had permanently plastered into the toothy grin and rolled back eyes for some time now. Her chin was covered in so much drool that it was dangling off, swinging about with every thrust made by the dark skinned creature. It started growing so long that it ended up bridging against her chest, trailing its way down her torso as it went around the pummeling penis bulging against her stomach.

“co*ck co*ck dick co*ck cum ji*zz co*ck cum Grimm dick co*ck dick ji*zz hnnnnnnnngh…” At this point it sounded as though Blake had been broken by the hybrid human, unable to react to anything but the harsh thrusts against her cervix even as it was stretched out of place by the huge rod.

The alpha Man Grimm finally succeeded in its goal, fitting the entire shaft into Pyrrha’s throat. With all the strained effort put on her, the redhead looked exhausted by the experience, her eyes tearing up. Even her nostrils were leaking, the heavy sniffs of her nose trying to do something about that.

Now that her throat and chest bulged with his rod, the leader of the pack started bucking her harder into his waist, with Pyrrha’s vision going blurry as a result of the fast pace he took on. The redhead felt she was going to be sick, especially with the girth forcing itself against her gag reflexes. She tried to open her lips, but as it was thick enough to stretch her jaw out, thus all that she could make were inaudible glucking sounds as her saliva kept trailing out of her mouth. Any dangling strands of drool that hung off quickly swung away, snapping off as it added to the mud that formed from her first org*sm. And as her nose slammed into his waist, her eyelids fluttered as she grew concerned that she might pass out from lack of oxygen.

And then at long last, Pyrrha felt the thrusts of the leader come to a stop, though her skull was held close to his crotch. The Man Grimm let out a mighty roar, with his co*ck shooting his ji*zz straight into her stomach. And that was when the redhead felt herself come back to life, as her eyes went wide while her hands planted themselves against her stomach. It was a result of how heavy the Grimm’s balls were, though this shouldn’t be physically possible even after watching it occur with her fellow huntresses, but her belly began to swell up like a balloon. It was filled heavily with the creature’s seed, inflating her to look like she was nine months pregnant with its abnormally huge children.

When it pulled out of Pyrrha’s lips, the alpha Grimm wasn’t finished, as he sprayed her face down with more seed. Her jaw remained open involuntarily, allowing her to catch part of the sem*n in her mouth just so she could get a taste of his creamy substance for herself. It was too much even for her to swallow, pooling over her lips and down her chin while landing atop her bloated belly. And yet as she gulped down what she was able to catch with her mouth, she could see the leader’s shaft still hadn’t deflated from the climax.

Pyrrha gulped. She knew this wasn’t over, not by a long shot.

And her friends began to prove that well, as they were still taking the co*cks inside their puss*es. They had shifted in their positions, however, as everyone was now laying back atop their respective Man Grimm. Blake and Yang had their legs rolled back, folded against their bodies as they took the respective shafts of their hybrid lovers. Their bellies were still bulging with the gigantic peckers, remaining sheathed within the well-lubricated walls of their vagin*s.

Weiss also sat atop her pumpkin headed Grimm’s body, though he merely held onto the heiress by her waist. While she didn’t look as far gone as Blake, she was slowly getting there, smiling coyly as she looked at how the rod pushed against her stomach lining. She rocked her hips back and forth as the rod stretched against her torso, showing off where the crown was at all times. She sucked on her lips as she jolted, as though the hybrid’s precum hit against her canal.

Pyrrha wasn’t able to witness the full experience, as the alpha Grimm finally pulled her to her feet. The gladiator stumbled as she stood up, fully aware that her balance had been thrown off as a result of her bloated belly. After she wiped his seed off her chin, the alpha remained behind her, copping a feel of her breasts regardless of how much of his ji*zz was on top of it. It bit into her skin, sinking his teeth into her shoulder as she quivered from the sensation. Her puss*’s grool continued to leak out, dangling from her folds in a manner similar to all the saliva that had been going around. That fluid trail ended when the Grimm bucked its co*ck between her legs, using that oozing lubricant to make its co*ck a little easier to enter her canal. Even the tongue wasn’t enough to fully stretch it out for this experience.

“Oh, f*ck me, this is going to hurt, isn’t it…?” Pyrrha whined. “Please, please, I just beg you, be gentle with my puss*, it’s still my first TIIIIIIME!”

The alpha Grimm raised one of Pyrrha’s legs in the air, keeping one plant footed into the grassy ground outside the cave. It just as quickly thrusted its rod into her c*nt, stretching it out with the immense girth it had on display. The redhead tensed up as her canal was forced to fit around his girth, though with her belly full of cum it was hard to identify where inside her the dong resided.

As Pyrrha tried to keep her balance while the Grimm dick pumped inside her hole, she realized she was just as much on display as her friends, as though the hybrid creatures wanted to showcase the conditions that they were leaving the four women. It was growing evident that each one was on the ends of their ropes, though the girls didn’t believe that their first org*sm would end up being their last, either.

“Oh gosh, f*ck me!” Yang hissed. “I think this bad boy is gonna leave his nut in my c*nt! Go ahead and do it, babe, stuff my puss* with your cum! I want you to make me look like that!” She naturally pointed to Pyrrha, whose belly sloshed about with every thrust the alpha made against her snatch. The impactful slap of her ass on top of the ghastly person’s lap was loud enough that the cave they were outside began to echo with such a sound. And naturally, it wasn’t the only one that was being heard.

Blake and her hybrid lover had shifted positions yet again, with the Grimm standing tall over her lithe body. Its shaft still bulged against her body while the cat faunus was on her hands and knees, bucking into her ass while its balls swung against her cl*t. Much like Pyrrha before her, she was on her hands and knees with that submissive smile still on her lips, though with the height of the creature it stood so tall over her that he could use his hands to keep her face planted into the ground. Her cheek rested on the grass, with her saliva still leaking through her teeth to the point it was starting to moisten the dirt.

"Y-You guys, I don't know if I can do this!" whined Pyrrha. "My body isn't used to this…I'm not sure if I can take another load!"

"You'll be just fiiiine!" Weiss responded. "Don't worry, you've been able to handle his first load, if you can get past that you can deal with a few more loads!"

"A FEW more?!" That caused Pyrrha to panic, struggling to fight the alpha Man Grimm off of her. But his grip was strong on her leg, especially as he pushed against her chest so that her back was against him. He pumped harder against her snatch, her belly sloshing about with the cum bouncing around over the ground. He wasn't choking the redhead, just keeping her from running before he could prepare to release in her c*nt.

"Oh f*ck! He's close!" Yang cried out. "Fill me you stud! Dump that ji*zz in me! Keep me as your slu*tty cum bag!"

"Yes, darling, yes yes yes, f*ck my c*nt so dearly…" Weiss said, locking eyes with the pumpkin headed creature as she rubbed his scalp. "Cum in me again so we can solidify our love together, I beg you!"

And Blake remained feral as she took the rod violently against her stomach, her cheek covered in mud as a result of being forced against the ground. Her cat ears went down, though they bounced atop her head with every thrust. It seemed that she was growing impatient waiting for that blast of ji*zz, rocking against his hips that resulted in the co*ck bulge pushing over her chest.

And finally, the pressure became too much for anyone in this party to hold back.

Pyrrha and the RWBY girls all wailed in near synchronization as the beasts roared, dumping their respective loads inside of their girl. The redhead's eyes grew wide as she felt her stomach expand further as a result of her womb ballooning with ji*zz, the swelling almost too much for her to handle. If it weren't for the alpha Man Grimm holding her up, she would no doubt have fallen onto her belly in need of being rolled back to Beacon.

The other girls had their bellies growing outward much more obviously compared to Pyrrha's current state, with the glorping sounds of ji*zz exploding inside. Their puss*es were what caused their bellies to expand, their stomachs bloating up with the sounds of seed blubbering their way inside. The three RWBY ladies were exhausted, and broken if their faces were anything to go by. Aside from Blake's face frozen in that feral state of ecstasy, while Weiss and Yang had their tongues out while their eyelids were half open. When the beasts rolled them off their bodies, Pyrrha could see the result of their climax when they landed flat on their stomachs, which slowly started to drain of seed now that the dicks unplugged their canals.

Pyrrha was ready to drop to her stomach as well, though it seemed that the alpha Grimm wasn't quite finished with her. "O-Okay, you've had your fun…" Pyrrha panted, reaching back for his body to grip his hips. "I think me and my friends are all finished. We'd like to get back to the school, please…"

The other Grimm stood up, all of their eyes looming over at Pyrrha. While the other three girls were still exhausted, too drained to pick themselves off the forest ground, it was clear that these hybrid beings were still ready to go another round. Their co*cks had yet to deflate, just like their leader, and it kicked into her mind that these creatures could smell something on her that didn't seem to be on her friends.

As they would explain later, despite feeling exhausted and due to her huntress training, Pyrrha had enough aura to go another round. And the Grimm wanted to take advantage of that.

"Oh, f*ck me," Pyrrha said, too aware of where this was about to go.

The pumpkin headed Man Grimm was the first one to pull Pyrrha into his penis, with the rod forcing against her inner cheek. She glucked inaudibly from the force being placed on her from the hybrid, though she could take solace in that it wasn't so air tight on her throat. Either that or she had been stretched out so much that it wasn't able to return to its normal size.

The two ghastly looking Grimm grabbed each of her legs, lifting them off the ground as her stomach remained on the grass. Yet with all the seed still inside her canal and stomach, it helped to elevate her enough to be at the same level as their waists. Their co*cks rubbed away at her folds, teasing away at their attempt to push through into her canal at the exact same time.

The alpha Man Grimm stepped back, watching as his cohorts took on the redhead to satiate their own raging boners. The two ghastly Grimm struggled to fit both their dicks inside her at the same time, though the constant force they put against her caused her to feel another sense of stimulation forced into her brain. The more they kept forcing their shafts to enter her, the fogger her mind became in regards to judgment. It shouldn't feel great to be treated like a sex toy by hybrid creatures, but that was exactly what she experienced the longer it went on.

As she kept sucking in the pumpkin Man Grimm's prick, she felt the other two switching from trying to wear her puss* at the same time to at least one of them rubbing against her anus. As she was already familiar with a Grimm's tongue in her ass, it wasn't as bad as it could have been otherwise.

With two Man Grimm on one side and the pumpkin headed one giving her oral treatment, Pyrrha was now plugged up by three of them at once. For her first time she never would have expected things to go this far, yet she could tell even with the daily visits by the RWBY girls, it wasn't enough to keep their libidos from dying out.

Her voice was nothing but a muffled moan at this point, with alpha Grimm cum and her own juices flying everywhere. Her body rocked atop her inflated stomach, with the hybrids no doubt waiting to fill her with more seed. They were starting to heave loudly, even if their real mouths weren't at all visible to her, and even Pyrrha was ready to give in. The seed flourished around the ghastly Grimm's dong, leaking down her lower stomach and onto the grassy ground. With how gigantic her stomach grew from the alpha's seed, she wasn't even sure if she could handle any more. She would no doubt burst if they expected to blast their loads into her yet again.

The thrusts from the three Man Grimm grew intense, the groans growing louder and fiercer. Their hips thrusted violently into her groin and face, saliva splattering all over the place as they prepared to let their seed out in her body. Pyrrha panicked, worried if she would even be in one piece when this was over. As the hybrid creatures forced themselves against her body, she knew it was only a matter of seconds before she found out for herself.


Pyrrha wailed like a banshee, even as her mouth was plugged by the pumpkin headed man's shaft. The explosion of seed was intense in her body, so much so that the three howled as they let loose. The redhead's body could only expand so far out, with every other gallon of seed exploding from her puss* and even her mouth. Her asshole still felt an intense blast of seed occurring in her rear, as there was nothing occupying her there.

The sem*n wasn't the only thing to cascade around the Grimm dicks. Pyrrha's fluids flourished as well, squirting out of her canal so hard that it flushed out their ji*zz onto the forest floor. It added to the many puddles of other fluids already surrounding them, with Pyrrha quivering atop her bloated belly. Try as it might to expand, it reached its limit, and couldn’t contain any more of their bestial seed.

The three pulled out of Pyrrha at long last, her holes cascading of their ji*zz. Pyrrha could barely breathe with the amount of cum stuffed in her throat, nearly drowning her if it hadn’t soon depleted from her mouth. She was a giant mess compared to the other three girls, though she couldn’t feel shamed over what she witnessed. It was oddly the best thing she ever experienced, and compared to the hunters at Beacon, these were something worth challenging.

Before she could crack a smile of satisfaction, Pyrrha’s eyelids soon grew too heavy for her to keep up, and she started fading away…


When Pyrrha came to, she noticed that they were no longer near the cave deep in the Emerald Forest. Yang, Blake, and Weiss were still with her, though the blonde and her faunus teammate had her arms around their shoulders as they carried her away.

“What…happened…?” Pyrrha groaned.

“Look who finally woke up from her beauty sleep,” Yang laughed. “Were the boys a little too much for you to handle, Pyrrha?”

“That was all real, right…?” asked the still drowsy redhead.

“Of course it was,” Weiss said, “just look how much cum is still in your body after all that time!”

Pyrrha indeed looked down, taking note of the swelled stomach she had. Everyone still had a belly full of Man Grimm seed, in fact, although hers was still incredibly large compared to the others. The seed they had compacted within their holes trailed behind them, no doubt a means of leading them back to the cave the next day.

As their stomachs sloshed along with every step, Pyrrha sighed as she said aloud, “I don’t think we’ll be getting that project done any time soon.”

“True, it’s difficult to pull yourself away from something so exciting and addictive,” Blake replied, as if she hadn’t lost her mind completely during the process, “but maybe someday the teachers will understand.”

As they reached the end of the forest, Yang asked, “Does that mean you’re definitely coming back tomorrow, Pyrrha?”

“Like I’m going to say no,” the redhead said with a weak laugh, “I feel so naked without their co*cks in me.”

“Well you’re still technically naked,” Weiss said, “if you ignore the shoes and shrugs. We might want to get changed once our bellies are fully expelled.”

Where Grimm Evolve from Men - HeroFizzer (2024)
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Author: Terence Hammes MD

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Author information

Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

Phone: +50312511349175

Job: Product Consulting Liaison

Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.